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age1_list <- c(18:100)
age2_list <- c(18:100)

combinations <- expand.grid(age1 = age1_list, age2 = age2_list)

couple_df <- combinations %>%
  mutate(meet_rule = case_when(
    check_couple(age1, age2) == FALSE ~ "No",
    check_couple(age1, age2) == TRUE ~ "Yes"

ggplot(couple_df, aes(x = age1, y = age2, color = meet_rule)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
  scale_color_manual(values = c("Yes" = "darkgreen", "No" = "red")) +
    title = "'Half-Your-Age-Plus-Seven' Ruling on Different Age Combinations",
    x = "Age of First Person",
    y = "Age of Second Person",
    color = "Age Appropriate Match?"
  ) +